LDI dla Kobiet Biznesu (LDI for Women in Business) in Polish & English
Marta Nadi Gabalewicz
Małgorzata Marek
About the program
Unleash your full potential as a leader and a human being. You don’t need to change yourself, you need to come home to yourself – and that changes everything.
Special edition of our intensive dedicated to women!
In a world needing conscious and confident Women-Leaders more than ever, LDI is an invitation to come back home to yourself. It is a chance to shift from an effort-based success to a natural effectiveness and deep fulfilment.
W świecie coraz bardziej potrzebującym świadomych i pewnych siebie Kobiet-Liderek, LDI jest zaproszeniem powrotu do siebie. To szansa na przejście od sukcesu zasilanego wysiłkiem na naturalną efektywność i głębokie poczucie
Business: 8610 PLN gross (7000 PLN net); For private attendees: 6888 PLN gross.
Event co-organized with our associate Quest Academy.