Advanced Certified Program for Leaders of Change



The OD ACADEMY is a direct response to a rapidly changing job market which, due to pandemic and other current trends is requiring different skillsets from people-professionals.

With over 40 years of practice and research, Dr. John J. Scherer gathered some of the most significant minds of this discipline to pass forward the precious and unique know-how.

Divided into 8 modules, this program guides practitioners in a structured way through frameworks, useful models and teaches skills essential to be a proficient OD leader.

With an international audience in mind, this program is designed to equip participants in skills necessary to be a significant partner and sometimes even a guide to business leaders in running large, innovative, international organizations and create thriving and positive working cultures.


Learning objectives

Learning how to lead system-wide transformations for organizations and communities

Learning how to analyze and diagnose organizations using action learning approach

Learning how to create and apply successful change interventions in cross-functional teams in all types of organizations from micro to multinational corporations

Learning how to inspire, facilitate and lead change

Learning how to master change and transformation as a way of continuous adaptation to VUCA world

Knowing how to create greater effectiveness and needed change in virtually any situation using the principles of system-wide high-engagement performance-improvement (HEPI),

Learning how to initiate, implement and track breakthrough projects

Message from Our leaders

For several years a small group of colleagues and I have been accumulating our best material and techniques to pass on in forwarding the important work of transforming individuals, groups and organizations. Three years ago a colleague, Dr. Noushin Bayat, collected, collated and organized every piece of material from my 40+ years of practice, preparing it for use by people like you, the next generation of change artists. It will be a delight to introduce you to this material – as  well as the good stuff from my closest consultant colleagues – and to the skills and principles we apply in our work.   

John Scherer

OD is our future!

In rapidly changing times there is no space for managing human resources – we all know that human beings are work in progress and our mission as people-professionals is to help them thrive in the workplace, making it an efficient business organism at he same time.


In this carefully curated program, 24 practitioners from all around the world will learn, share and practice together in a friendly, creative atmosphere guided by some of the most significant mids of the OD industry.

Methods of learning

8 live virtual sessions

Every three weeks you will participate in a 4-h live group session with Dr. John J. Scherer and other faculty members. You will have:

  • unique lectures
  • Q&A’s
  • demos
  • case studies

Weekly groupwork

In groups of 4 you will have a weekly practice and group coaching sessions where you can:

  • solve your challenges
  • ask questions
  • help others
  • widen your toolset
  • practice what youve learned

Online materials

You will receive a daily piece of inspiration as well as access to:

  • videos
  • articles
  • audios
  • templates
  • forum
  • webinars and more!


Dr John J. Scherer, Dean

From 1973-1982 John was co-developer and Core Faculty of Americas first competence-based graduate program in the applied behavioral sciences, and is an internationally-respected change consultant and leadership coach. His clients have included large and small businesses and not-for-profit organizations around the world. Recognized by Stephen Coveys Magazine as one of AmericaTop 100 Thought Leaders in Personal/Leadership Development, he is a pioneer in the emerging field that shares the name of his 1993 book, Work and the Human Spirit

As a former Vietnam-era Combat Officer on a US Navy Destroyer, Lutheran Chaplain at Cornell University, Gestalt and Family Systems Therapist, Graduate School co-creator, author, and successful business consultant and coach, John brings a unique perspective to his life and work. Since 1987, business and community leaders from 55 nations have graduated from his Executive and Leadership Development Intensives.  

John is a natural innovator: He was Co-developer (1978) of The People Performance Profile, the first holistic, computer-scored diagnostic OD/OE tool for identifying and addressing organizational change opportunities. His Breakthrough Series (1985) was one of the first applications of video-based high-performance training designed for regular team meetings. His most recent book, Facing the Tiger: Unleashing the Human Spirit at Work, has been called The best business self-help book ever writtenWiser@Work, his new online resource portal and personal/professional development network, is going live in 2022. 

Now working internationally from a base in Warsaw, Poland, John is the father of four, a former U.S. Masters Swimmer, a two-time Marathon runner, does yoga and High-Intensity Interval Training, plays the guitar (as an old rock & roller), does the occasional magic show, and loves to read a good spy novel.

Lynnea Brinkerhoff, MSOD
Associate Dean

Long-time Facilitator of LDIs and EDIsLynnea has served as a leadership and change consultant to American Express, Disney University, ACE Hardware, Deloitte & ToucheReebok, General Motors, New York City Police, AmRest and others, Lynnea excels at leading strategic implementation efforts, crafting 360 performance-management processes, and conducting executive coaching. Lynnea held managerial positions at Southwestern Bell Media, AMKO/Digitech and The Marriott Corporation, and is a graduate of Pepperdineprestigious MS-OD Program. 

Pauline Holland, MSOD
Associate Dean

Through her work as an Executive/Team Coach, and through her Leadership and Organisation Development work, she enables individuals and groups to harness their energy in pursuit of their higher personal and organisational goals.

Her clients describe her as someone who is first and foremost a deep listener and who is able to create a safe space for speaking openly and frankly. She is also someone who is insightful and incisive and who challenges people to think differently about the relational dimension of their role as leaders and to think systemically about the issues that challenge them in their day to day work.

Next Steps

Filling out an application form online

Interview with faculty member

Presentation of a project

Tuition and confirmation

You're ready to start!

Organizational information:
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