Leading Change

Checklist for Success

About The Program

We are living in turbulent times, where Change is the only constant.

How to approach change? How to facilitate it? Can you manage and optimize change process in the organization? How it affects long-term wellbeing of your team and company? 

Master the art of leading change with one of the pioneers of Organization and Leadership Development – Dr. John J. Scherer.

This program will give you fundamental principles, tools and techniques to approach change with success.

Watch The Invitation From The Author

If you are responsible for change initiative in your organization spend two afternoons with Dr. John J. Scherer. He will show you ways how to plan and how to manage change initiatives that succeed.

Learning objectives

  • Learn key concepts for launching and leading successful change initiatives
  • Explore how to recognize important stakeholders and which roles to assign to them 
  • Learn ways to implement long-lasting change
  • Practice on your own cases, learning from the group and the expert workshop leader.


  1. The nature of change and how to facilitate it in the organizational context
  2. Leading, facilitating and managing the change process – different approaches and their consequences
  3. How to launch a change initiative for success
  4. Setting objectives for change projects
  5. The role and importance of ‘change agents’ in the process of change
  6. Effective leadership role in change initiatives
  7. The Systems approach to change – involving key stakeholders  
  8. How to help ‘resistors’ become ‘supporters’ 
  9. The proper uses of power and authority in facilitating change
  10. Making sure change is sustainable and welcomed
  11. Putting out fires: What to do if the initiative goes wrong? 
  12. Q & A with participants, including their real-world ‘change cases’.


Regular Price – $470 +VAT


Internal and external change agents: People responsible for change initiatives or leaders who want to consciously shape change processes for the betterment of their organizations.

Your ‘Guide’ for this journey - Dr. John J. Scherer

Dr John J. Scherer (Scherer Leadership Center Founder & President) is an international expert on leadership and organization development, regarded as a ‘father’ of Organization Development as a science and practice in Central Eastern Europe.

Business and community leaders from 42 nations have graduated from his Executive and Leadership Development Programs.

A prodigious writer, his work has been translated into 15 languages. with his latest book being Facing The Tiger: Unleashing The Human Spirit at Work (2020).

He is known around the world for his ability to connect with leaders and front-line staff in bringing about profound individual breakthroughs and workplace-wide transformations.


See Our Other Programs

Leadership Development Intensive

For leaders and individuals who are seriously thinking about ‘the next chapter’ of their life and are invested in personal development.

Executive Leadership Intensive

A premium, private life coaching experience for leaders (with their Life Partners as an option) where you have the full attention of the facilitators ONLY on YOU!

This program is organized by Scherer Leadership Center.