Monika Bielecka - Prokop

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Monika's Story

For almost 20 years she creates and conducts training for managers. Her area of expertise arepersonal development team building, leadership, and communication.  


She met John Scherer 15 years ago and since then she has been working with individuals and groups to experience how LDI / EDI changes and enriches the daily lives of people who choose to participate in these programs. The five questions that are the main content of these programs are also signposts in her everyday life.  


She worked for : Bank BZWBK, Siemens, Netia, Pratt & Whitney Kalisz, NetiaSimens, SAS, DHL, Orange, Play, Citibank, mbankTPsa, Ruch SA, BAT, ING,Velux and Nowa Era.  


Graduate of Jagiellonian University, Warsaw School of Economic, Institute of Integral Gestalt Psychotherapy and the School of Trainers (communication based on empathy).  

Monika has experience in marketing and PR area – she worked 8 years for Big Brands like Coca-ColaHeinz  and Huggies as a Brand Manager. 


 In working with individuals and groups, she is guided by the experience that each of us has the opportunity to lead a satisfying private and professional life. If this is not the case, it means that there is some “blockage” – at some point we “get stuck”, we stop. When we realize this and find a method in the field of work to remove this obstacle – we move forward. In such a process, Monika knows how to be a guide and support 


Mother and wife, healthy life style freak;) in free time she loves read book and watch movies.

Qualifications and Certificates

Fields of Expertise

Building Inner Strength

Personal Development

Creating a Team


“Be who you are and then you will see who you are …. Take a little risk if you can. Feel your own feelings. Speak your own words. Think your thoughts. Be with yourself. Explore. Plan your development by experiencing yourself”.

Fritz Perls

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